Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The big 100!

In a month and a half,with a 10 day break in Italy,

I have 100 posts!

Wow!This calls for a special post I say!

That's by "just Lil ol me" as Cher says in this really old Scooby Doo video I have where she guest stars with Sonny.

Its really good,I wish you could all watch it!
Te old Scooby Doo was very funny,sure old fashioned,but good in a pleasing way,like when you find a hot platter of steaming food when you come home on a Friday and are tired,then you go and refresh in a bath/shower then put on cool clothes,go swimming and have good craic (that's Irish slang by the way,it means good fun ETC. craic,I mean,its said crack not crAAAc or cric as some foreigners say it.There,now you have a lesson in Irish too!How much more can I fit in these brackets?A short story?Like in The princess Diaries books Mia puts about a page in brackets,just like I'm doing now.And I dint blame you if you're skipping all this.OK I'm done now.) Having good craic-Oh yes and seeing a movie afterwards with all your pals and then your Mom gives you a 50 note cause she thinks you've bought a new shirt and she said she was gonna pay for the next shirt you got.Even if your shirt wasn't worth even a tenner.Or maybe tats not how you feel happy?Am I rambling.I think so.

Anways,the new furniture thing and a happy 12 to Yaz!

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