Stuck for dollars?Superstar spent?Never even been one?
No prob kiddos!
Silverbears here to make some jeans bargains!
Sorry I sound like a markeing person,like BUY DAWN OMEGA MILK CAUSE ITS CHEAPER THAN YAKULT DRINKS!
Anyways me darlins let us get back to ARR main subject ARR.
Jeans on a bargain.
Lee us discover Jordache ripoffs non>?
Jordacche and eets ripoffs,eet iz a tre fantizque nightaamara!
Also look a fanataztique bargain for anonsuperztarz.
4 and cuter,non?
A coming upa next,we 'ave a loo kin on a expenzive a' well,dress from 'Ecades.
Dress upa cutely and funni vit eet.
Lee us discover Jordache ripoffs non>?
Jordacche and eets ripoffs,eet iz a tre fantizque nightaamara!
Also look a fanataztique bargain for anonsuperztarz.
4 and cuter,non?
A coming upa next,we 'ave a loo kin on a expenzive a' well,dress from 'Ecades.
Dress upa cutely and funni vit eet.
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