Friday, November 14, 2008

I feel so bad about this...X(

I am so sorry,guys,I feel like Ive let you down.Loads has happened on SD so be prepared for lots of my pics and very little writing..

First of all,I noticed this...Where,as the picture says,has the racks that you could click on disappeared to?
This doll originally had a diff name,I remember clicking on it,I think it was Lydia or summat,and since I like the name Lydia I clicked it,and it said Marrakesh Theme Doll,and I said ,post,yes,no?Cant be bothered,its prob just a small glitch...
They are two of my designs,Which should I buy?Cause my Chanel fabric disappeared,so I cant make it again,i also have a "Singing in the rain" one too.
Theres a lil glitch going around that enables you to post repeatedly,AGGH,so now we have join join join all around us normal comments like: I really like that green dress,hope its released...


Coming next is outfit of the day,unless summath spectacular happens like our suite dolls can move,or superstar is free....I WISH!

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